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Martial Points 武穴 Pressure Points for Martial Artists – Chinese Ver.

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Looking for a pressure point chart for martial arts use? This interactive reference guide helps user to easily locate and learn about the major pressure points (acupoints) commonly used in Kung Fu and other martial arts.

這穴位App是特別為武術學者而設. 它能幫你搜索武術上常用的穴位. 從武術角度把穴位分類, 資料為你提供穴位反應和效果. 包括中英穴位名稱. 可使用3D圖片或詞彙表搜索穴位. 請瀏覽9thDan.com網站收看更多武術訓練視頻.

(这穴位App是特别为武术学者而设. 它能帮你搜索武术上常用的穴位. 从武术角度把穴位分类, 资料为你提供穴位反应和效果. 包括中英穴位名称. 可使用3D图片或词汇表搜索穴位. 请浏览9thDan.com网站收看更多武术训练视频.)

Find these pressure points with ease, hear how to say their names in Chinese, and learn the possible effects of each point when struck.

Pressure points can be quickly selected from the 3D model, or from the glossary list by their names. Each pressure point includes the following information:

Acupoint code
English name
Chinese name (character)
Chinese pronunciation (audio in Mandarin) by native speaker
Meridian name
Pressure point category
Possible effects when struck

This is the ideal on-the-go, interactive, pressure point reference guide for martial artists. An easy to use and convenient tool to take along to seminars and to the martial art studio.

This app is created by the martial artists at Read more about this unique app at